• Always one step ahead of the ever-changing world
  • Always one step ahead of the ever-changing world
  • Always one step ahead of the ever-changing world

Ethical Management

Ethical Management

Ethical Management of Samwoo Metal Industries Co., Ltd.

All employees of Samwoo Metal Industries Co., Ltd shall discharge the social responsibility through a behavior with right thinking and judgement based on the human oriented creative management philosophy and shall comply with this general principles of ethics so that we recognize the corporate social responsibility not only to develop into the most excellent global company through sound and transparent corporate management but also to build up the balanced development of the regional society and our country and for this it is our objective to regulate the standard of acts that need to be abided by from employees.

Customer Charter for Samwoo Metal Industries Co., Ltd.

  • 1We will take customers as top priority and set up base for trust
  • 2We will enhance the value of the customers by their transacting with our company
  • 3We will take the voice of the customers as our opportunity for the development
  • 4We will do our best to take our once customers as always eternal customers
  • 5We will take the customer satisfaction as our decision making criteria
  • 6We will strike those directors and employees not complying with our customer orientation charter off the list by the name of all our directors and employees.

All the directors and employees of Samwoo Metal Industries Co., Ltd.

Educational Accomplishment for Ethical Management of 2021

Education Personnel attending the class (persons) total class attendance hours (hours)
Ethical education 474 474
safety and health education 1,715 2,807
security education 237 237
education to prevent sexual harassment 237 237
Total 2,663 3,755